Download music: WORD OF POWER by Stelz Praise

Stelz praise, Abuja based Gospel music artiste from Enugu, Nigeria is out with her another single WORD OF POWER



This is my comfort
In my affliction
That your word has revived my soul, I’m healed and delivered from my enemy
Am alive in the word of life.

The word of God is power
Am alive in the word of life. (*3)

It cuts its way into the innermost, access where no surgeon can go, it is sharp and imperishable,
Am alive in the word of life
(Repeat chorus) (*4)

My victory is found in your word, Halleluyah a a
We have so much victory in the word yeah, what a glorious revelation yeah e

Revelation of the word
Opening blind eyes and the mind, revealing secrets of victory
O o o o o o……

Am no longer under the curse of the law
Lightening my part to live alright (*2)

Am alive in the word of live…….

Yes am alive in the word
In the word of life yeah ee
Am no more going back
No more going back
Yes am alive
Am alive in the word
Yeah e e
Uw u e yi e
Am alive
Am alive in the word
The word of God
Am alive in the word
Greater is he that is in me!

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