Download music: Joe Praize – Joy Overflow


Download Joe Praize New Song titled “Joy Overflow”. AUDIO and Official Music VIDEO Now available. May this song revolution be a blessing to you and your home in Jesus name.


Watch Joy Overflow Video Below

Joy Overflow lyrics

I’ve got joy joy oh joy
Joy joy joy overflow
In my life I got joy
Joy oh joy, joy overflow .

In my life I’ve got joy
Joy oh joy, joy overflow
In my life i got
Joy joy joy overflow .

I’ve got joy joy joy joy
I’ve got joy joy overflow
In my life
I’ve got joy joy joy joy
I’ve got joy joy overflow
in my life.
I come from a kingdom
A beautifu kingdom
Where we lough and lough joy overflow
There is no sorrow, there is no weaping
W e dance dance and dance joy overflow .

I’ve got joy joy joy joy joy
Joy joy overflow, in my life .

I’ve got joy joy joy joy joy
Joy joy overflow, in my life .

Joy like a river
It’s like a fountain
My life is sweeter
Sweeter sweeter joy overflow
I’m a heritage of God
[?] peace has spoken over me
My life is greater
Greater greater joy overflow .

I’ve got joy joy joy joy joy
Joy joy overflow, in my life .

I feel alright
Got the power and the spirit in my life
I feel alright
Got the power and the spirit in my life
1 2 counting my blessings name them one by one
1 2 3 and 4 counting my blessings name them one by one
Joy overflow in my life .

I’ve got joy joy joy joy joy
Joy joy overflow, in my life

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