Gospel artist and songwriter. Jeffson Dozie waste no time in releasing a new song titled “Halleluyah Praise” featuring music legend and minister Maureen Sings.
Halleluyah Praise is a song of praise to the most high for all he has done.
Let us praise the Lord together for him alone deserve all our Glory.Download, Listen, Share and connect with Jeffson Praise and Maureen Sings via their social media platform
Buru Hallelujah Eburu
Para Hallelujah Apara – Aah Aah Aaahhh!!
Pagara Jehovah.Hahahahaha – Huùuuuh
Where You Are let’s give God the Praise – Are You ready – Hallelujah Say!!!!(VERSE)
Faithful God there is no one else like you Yes
Abbah Father Odighi Onye dika gi
You made the lame to walk
You made the blind eye see now
Onye n’eme mma – Agam eburu Hallelujah eburu Oooh(IST BRIDGE)
Everything I want Ayaya (You don do am for me eh)
Jesus Everywhere I go ooo eeh (Na your grace dy follow me – Aaahh)
Oya people come and see ee Jesus Jesus (Wetin God do for me eee Jesus Omemma eee – Imekwala k’isi eme)(CHORUS)
We lift your name Oh God madu nille Buru ya Buru ya Buru Ya (Anye g’eburu Hallelujah eburu)
Come on Everybody now (Anyi ga apara Hallelujah apara)
Ooohh (Oooooohhhhh – Anyi g’eburu Hallelujah eburu – Para Hallelujah Apara – Pagara Jehovah)(CHORUS 2ND PART ADLIB)
We Praise your name madu nille Eyaya
Say Come on Everybody right now
Oh Oh Oh – Buru Hallelujah eburu – Para Hallelujah – To you my Jehovah.Ayayayaya – Lift him up let’s go – Heheheeeyaa – He’s worthy of my prasie Oh my God – Hallelujah to your name Jesus Heyayaya..
Ancient of days oo there is nothing you cannot do,
Mighty God your word is Yes and Amen,
Ekwueme oo You can never never fail,
Capable God oo I troway salute oooo(MAUREEN’S BRIDGE)
Halle Hallelujah (Father Lord you are worthy)
Halle Hallelujah (Halle Halle Halle Hallelujah)
Halle Hallelujah (Is the song is the dance we give to you)
Halle Hallelujah (Helle Halle Halle Halle Hallelujah)
Halle Hallelujah (Receive our Prasie Recieve our worship oo)
Halle Hallelujah (We bow before you we kneel before you God)
Halle Hallelujah (We extol your beautiful name Oh ye ye)
Halle Hallelujah (Somebody worship somebody Prasie him)(DOZIE PART)
Mighty Redeemer (Way Maker)
Our way maker (Provider)
Great Provider (Chukwu omaa Ebube dike)
Ebube Dike oo – (Ekwueme Jesus Ooo)
Ekwueme – Imekwala k’isieme eme(DOZIE’S PART CONT.)
We call your name Oh God
We call your name
You’re my great provider
Chukwu omaaa
Ebube dike is your name Jehovah – Imela k’isi eme..(Rpt. 1st BRIDGE ADLIB)
Everything I want oo you have done oo
Everywhere I go Lord na your grace oo
Make una come and see wetin God don do for me.(Rpt. CHORUS ADLIB)
Chidozie come make we give God Praise Hallelujah,
Samsong say bianu Lee bianu Lee
Mercy Chinwo dey say na you dey Reign oo
We are here to sing you are worthy God,Come make we celebrate – Oh come make we celebrate now,
Come my people make we jubilate oo
Give the Lord the best of your worship oo
Nobody like you God…(MAUREEN’S BRIDGE CONT. ADLIB)
We love We love We love We love you Jesus,
You rule You Reign You Reign Forever more,
The End
Connect With Jeffson
Facebook: Jeffson Dozie
Twitter: Jeffson Dozie